New Horizons at UAB

New Horizons offers a variety of social opportunities to meet interesting people and to make new friends.

New Horizons is a community of 50ish plus adults focused on life-long learning. We  organize stimulating presentations on a broad range of topics, sponsor cultural events, field trips and other activities of interest. Comprised of people with inquiring minds from a variety of backgrounds - academics, professionals, business and the arts – we gather three mornings a week for three terms of eight weeks each hearing from interesting speakers and socializing. There’s also a bonus weekly Zoom discussion group. The topics are as varied as the people - from current affairs to astrophysics to the arts. 
New Horizons provides a wonderful opportunity if you’re looking for intellectual stimulation, new to Birmingham, have lost a partner or would simply like to meet people with similar interests. Comments singing the praises of New Horizons have included: “I made friends.” “The speakers are great.” “I learn something, get to meet people & socialize – what more could you ask for?”  Members say New Horizons helps keep them on the cutting edge on topics like electric cars, genetics, international affairs, cryptocurrency, the arts and so much more.
Feel free to stop by a meeting and check it out free of charge. A nominal fee of $90 per term covers facilities, speakers and snacks.
You can signup below for our email updates or submit your information at "contact us".

Come and Join us at

where Learning and Friendship
come together

Winter Term Newsletter
and Schedule will be Here soon.
Winter Term begins on Wednesday, January 8, 2025


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